I had to read to the very bottom of this NBC story, ‘Four Teens Held After ‘Facebook Live’ Torture Video Airs’ to find the first reference to the race of these perpetrators, “Police are investigating the case as a potential kidnapping and hate crime — the assailants in the video are black and called the victim…
The Super Greenhouse Effect
For many years now, I have been batting around some questions in my head regarding Manmade Global Warming Theories (MGWT) and the possible effect of very high concentrations of Greenhouse Gases during periods of Meteorological Thermal Inversions (MTI) that are persistent during the winter months in many locations here in Utah. It seems to me…
Medicare Not Socialism
Throughout our current debate over current efforts to “reform” our healthcare system one of the core points of contention has been over the definition of Socialism. Opponents to the current reform efforts of President Obama and Democratic Congressional leaders have properly pointed out that the current proposed reforms would ultimately result in the advancement of…
A Pragmatic Energy Solution
The following is an excerpt from a conversation that I had in response to an essay written by Gary Kunkel titled, “The Madness of King Coal.” While there are plenty of people who are critical of our current dependence on dirty fuels like coal and petroleum, at some point we must start talking about viable…
Anti-theism is Intolerance
Some time ago I began researching some of the teachings being published by the organization, American Atheists. Like many I was drawn to this organizations web site (www.atheist.org) following their anti-Christmas billboard campaign where they advertised, “You know it’s a Myth. This Season Celebrate REASON!” I personally found it very strange that in our modern society…
Surviving a Black Hole
While it may not be the most common of events, on when Black Holes do find each other and meet, the moments before their union could give us our one and only peek inside a Black Hole. The reason for this must do with their combined center of gravity or Barycenter. A Barycenter is the…
There May Be No Singularity
This morning I woke up and decided that I was going to depart from my regular political rants and instead I am going to challenge Einstein and one of his long standing, widely held ideas concerning black holes. You see, Einstein predicted that inside a black hole, there would be so much mass concentrated down into…
Gravity Bow Wave
I’ve been giving some thought to the various theories regarding the expansion of the universe. While we have known since Edwin Hubble first made his observations using the Doppler effect that the universe is expanding in all directions, it was not until 1998 when scientists where observing a Type La Supernovae that they discovered that…
Obama’s Nuclear Option
While I rarely agree with President Obama, I feel compelled to give him credit when credit is due. His announcement in the State of the Union address to support “a new generation of safe, clean nuclear power plants” and his later support for tripling the amount of federal loan guarantees in early February may mark…